Saturday, January 2, 2021

Day 298

 January 2, 2021

Two nights ago everyone in the world gave 2020 a high spirited send off. Our hope for a better year is needed more than usual after the year we struggled through. We all wish there was some magical way to transform this current year into immediate peace and normalcy, but the truth is we are still months from that reality.  

Our current reality is we are in a pandemic and barely in the early stages of ushering the vaccine to the public.

The health care workers and first responders have received the first of two shots and most states are continuing to create protocols for how the vaccine is distributed. There is much more than simple distribution as the vaccine is delicate and needs to be handled correctly and given properly. All this falls on the already taxed health care workers and requires patience and responsibility from everyone involved in either giving or receiving the vaccine.

We also recently have had a new strain of virus (first seen in the U.K.) that is now currently in a few states. 

There is also a matter of the new president being sworn into office on January 20th. 

This will require some adjustment time as the new regime puts into place it's vision for America. This not only includes controlling the spread of the virus and the vaccine distribution, but also the pandemic restrictions and everything else related to the pandemic. This will be several months of rolling changes as the vaccine begins to reduce numbers and people begin to settle back into pre-pandemic routine. 

Yet amid all this there is still much that is unknown. Many factors are still at play here and we are still in some ways tethered to this coronavirus until it is completely or mostly eradicated. 

In some psychological and even physical sense we will never be rid of the virus. Many lives have been changed and humans will carry feelings with them and others the physical repercussions of having the actual virus.  

There is also a matter of the economy and issues around racial inequality that continue to plague our nation in ugly forms. And we still have an education system that has been handcuffed and the education of many youth has been stunted. 

Our hope lies in the new president and his staff to forge a new way and provide not only relief but more importantly belief that our United States of America can once again be united and a positive force in the world.

As far as the world is concerned we all hope in future months ahead that travel restrictions will be lifted and the world can reunite in a way that brings joy to vacationers and profit to the tourism industry and boost the economy of all countries.

In light of all that has happened, is happening and will happen we still have ourselves to care for and self-care starts with your feelings. I recently read about emotional brain training. In other words we have the power to create a resilient brain through to power of our emotions. It turns out positive thinking is not all it's cut out to be and stress can make us stronger. It is by using our emotions to we allow ourselves to clear the stress. Our lives are coded in ways that are learned in the first few years of our life. Thus this programming comes back in times of stress because it is what we know, and all we know. Like emotional wires that are there unconsciously and guide our reaction to trauma and stress even if it does not help. By having an emotional cleanse when you feel stressed you can reprogram your brain to learn techniques to help you sort out the feelings and bend them to your will. The will to use these moments as emotional training and rewiring your outcomes to be positive. It is best explained in this article from psychology today:

"In a few minutes throughout the day give yourself an EBT "mini-emotional cleanse" by using the technique of the method. Start off by complaining about the situation (e.g., All this information about vaccines and testing is stressing me out) and then, express some healthy anger. Anger is essential because it is only when we become highly stressed that we unlock the unconscious expectations that are "stupid" or "unreasonable" in our unconscious mind, and make them "smart" or "reasonable."

It's a natural cleansing process as after anger, you can flow through a few negative emotions (sadness, fear, and guilty) and be rewarded by intensely positive feelings (grateful, happy, secure, and proud).

In those few moments, you have a complete reset of your emotions, drives, thoughts, and sensations. And, you have updated your brain so your unconscious expectations are smarter and more reasonable, which decreases your stress. Last, you will feel a surge of dopamine and endorphins – and the emotion of joy."

 For further reading on emotional cleansing click this link emotional-cleanse

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