Saturday, February 13, 2021

Day 340

 February 13, 2021

What is going on in the world is not nearly as important as what is going on in your world. 

Take care of yourself. Take care of your people. Don't be an asshole. Those are the rules given to the sons of my friend Scott. It's a good start.

Fleshing it out I would say...take care to be true to your authentic self. Live your life uncompromised by restraints and uninfluenced by conformity. Take care of your soul. Allow it to soar unless it sour.

Take care of those your love because they (and you) will not be around forever. Cherish the time you spend with friends and family and make it quality time. 

Don't be an asshole. Well, I would say be who you want to be. (if being an asshole is what you desire so be it) I believe in individuality and the will to choose your own path. If being an asshole affects others then you ought to reconsider how your individuality is being directed. 

The world is the world. It moves in flux with all the energy of living things. Currently the world is moving to heal itself from the state it finds itself. In a pandemic and battling a virus so deadly nearly 2.4 million people have died and over 100 million have suffered in some capacity from being infected by the novel coronavirus. The world is issuing a series of vaccines as we slowly move towards a world without restrictions. The world moans and sighs and screams and dreams as humanity lives and dies upon this great sphere of existence.

You and your journey are part of the existence. Your suffering and your exultation are stops on the existential path you are navigating. The experiences of life build upon one another as you create the current version of you. And that version will continue to permute as you evolve and grow after each experience. 

This pandemic is an experience and we will not soon forget it. What will it teach us? How will you grow from it? What lessons will you extract from it? 

Our beliefs influence our attitudes which create our feelings and those feelings direct our actions.

We may very well be instituting new beliefs into our programming. (by the way if you are not reprogramming yourself every so often you are doing yourself a disservice) and the belief of how we view the world and those in it. Our future interactions could look different in 2021-2022. 

Yesterday Chick Corea died. Chick Corea was an architect of the jazz-rock fusion boom in the 1970s, spent more than a half-century as a top jazz pianist. His influences are many and if you have never heard his work it is jazz you ought to give a listen. He played with many jazz greats and his most famous band Return to Forever can be heard here:

Chick Corea

On this valentines eve drink a little wine, give a lot of love and listen to something that stirs your heart and brings joy to your soul. From the Saturday Evening Post in 1956, a cover by Richard Sargent entitled First Valentine.

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