Friday, March 21, 2008

Psychedelic Homefront

Here is a list of some USA psych i've enjoyed and allowed to seep into my brain.
I have most of these on LP and when you add in the snaps, crackles and pops it only adds to the psychness of the music. Let your freak flag fly!

Country joe and the Fish-Electric Music anyone?
Doors (especially Strange Days)
Jefferson Airplane (White Rabbit is the ultimate trip song)
Led Zeppelin ( iknow mainstream, but listen to song remains the same and the longer jams like Dazed and confused)
Moby Grape (SF mellow psych to smoke to)
Power of Zeus (The Gospel of psych?) Heavier psych
Hunger-For your Heavier frame of mindmelt
New Dawn- cool progish sound with some fuzz

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Early Electric Company

These bands have some flare for electronica albeit was the 60's before any significant electronic instruments were mastered. These pioneers were "spaced out". For an odyssey of the mind have a listen to...

Fifty Foot Hose/ Cauldron (pulls out all the stops using all the bells and whistles of the time-literally)
Silver Apples/ Contact (very cool use of electronic sounds and all songs lyrics are from a poet friend of the band-can't get anymore sixties than that)
United States of America/ST- Well, how about no guitar, that's pretty innovative. Primitive synthesizers and various audio processors make up this classic piece of electronic/psych.