Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 35

April 15, 2020
It is tax day. Not this year. Tax returns have been given an extension until July 15. We shall see where the world is by then. News came out today that President Trump has cut off funding to the World Health Organization, an odd thing to do during the height of a pandemic. These are the decisions he is making in this time of crisis. Some would say he’s not handling things very well and others might say he’s botched it from the beginning. Either way it remains to be seen if his reaction to the pandemic will make or break his chances for another term. My thoughts are if experts feel his lack of action early on costs many lives the people will go with Joe Biden, the democratic representative.. However if the people believe he made good choices and lives could not have been saved regardless then he stands a chance at re-election. We are truly months away, but one factor coming up is the reopening of the nation albeit in a modified form. We are unsure what this will look like, but the CDC and FEMA announces a plan today stating how areas will open up depending upon their situation in regard to the virus outbreak. Number of cases, hospitalizations and ability to handle an uptick in new cases if things start to go awry. Factors include population and recent numbers. All of this will still come with restrictions to the amount of people in any given place and their proximity to one another.
The number of new cases is still in the area of 80,000 and the deaths keep piling up.
Here is a dashboard for this week.

Maren and I were able to take a walk today even though the weather is up and down. After two cold days it warmed up to 45 degrees, but the sun was intermittent and the forecast once again is calling for snow. This evening we celebrated my parents 59th wedding anniversary on a video chat with the entire family and it was nice to see everyone smiling and laughing.
These are the times. These moments will never be forgotten. Be thankful everyday for your health and the ability to be able to connect the way that can. Good night world and good luck.

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