The world of remote learning, meeting, celebrating and some daily business operations continues under the wake of the Covid19 virus outbreak. The virus is raking through the world with a viscous infection rate and a death rate of 1.38% which is considerably higher than the 0.1% death rate from seasonal flu. The number of cases is the more appalling number as over one million people have been confirmed, but the number of cases if probably a significant number more as testing is limited. The overwhelming numbers continue to increase causing shortages in hospital beds, masks, gloves, ventilators and health care personnel. Many hospital supplies are being created by local businesses, major corporations and even talented lay people. The WHO dashboard today...The daily change was a minus 10% double of yesterday. The trend seems to be on a downward move, but 68,764 new cases is still a large number (knowing not all cases are confirmed) The world is still in a war...
In Colorado, a day after the Governor extended the stay-at-home order to April 26 from it's original end date of April 11, 29 additional deaths were confirmed and although the number of new cases is decreasing in the state the fear and danger is not behind us. Many other states are suffering far worse and pockets of the country are in utter panic. Fear of running out of ventilators and hospital space is a reality and it will be a matter of when, not if, it happens.
Today we taught, walked and had saucy noodle for dinner. Maren is doing well although she is missing her students and the routine of going into work each day. We are able to have good quality time together and are keeping positive despite the circumstances happening in the world.

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