In German the name Faust means lucky...may we be so as we strive on.
Recent days have shown a decrease in the case growth rate, but new cases are still being reported and deaths are still occurring each day. Today was cold as a bit of snow falls upon the Denver ground. We stay inside and talk to family on the phone. We read and nap. This is life sheltered at home. This is the current way of life for many. Even for those in essential business today is a day to rest and rejoice and be grateful. These times and this virus show us just how fleeting life can be. Carry on my friends.
May the love of some spiritual father be with you today and in the future. May prayers come to light and may hope and grace surround us in a sheath of spiritual armor as our battle against the virus continues. Worship takes place indoors or in the hearts of believers as this photo of the empty Vatican shows.

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