Saturday, September 26, 2020

DAY 200

 Sunday September 27, 2020

A month into remote teaching and six and a half months into a pandemic brought on by a novel coronavirus, COVID-19 has changed the way we live. This is the new normal. The mask wearing, social distancing, no concerts, parties or sporting events to attend. Minimal travel. Remote teaching and learning.

Strange times indeed, but as i said it is the new normal. This is not strange anymore, just sad. Our lives have been changed and not for the better. Over 30 million people infected and over a million killed by an invisible and deadly virus transmitted by us. It is like something of a science fiction story yet all very real. We continue to fail in our defense against the virus. Particularly the U.S., but nations around the world are still seeing the virus spread. The numbers do not lie. Since July 15 the world has reported over 200,00 new cases daily and the seven day average is currently 296, 104. Yesterday the world reported nearly 333,000 new cases.The country of India is averaging more than 1,000 deaths a day.

The U.S. is not far behind with over 5,000 deaths in the last seven days. The Washington Post reports that our college age people are continuing to spread the virus as this article tells:

"New research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that young adults who catch the virus may seed waves of infection that travel up the generations, infecting middle-aged and then older people." 
And this photo shows:

Also, doctors are finding a new side effect to the virus is hair loss. Which seems to be tied to the bodies psychological defense of the virus, in other words the stress of job loss, deaths of family members or other COVID related anxiety. (such as the fear of contracting the virus)

In preparing for a hybrid model of learning in which some students will be in person while others learn remotely. The following information from the Washington Post is interesting and relevant:

"Only about 100 children and teens have died of covid-19 in the United States — a minuscule rate that still baffles scientists more than half a year into the outbreak."

And yet they can still be carriers and that is a scary proposition as we get set to see them in person in two weeks. Of course, masks are required at all times and social distancing is in place and will be enforced, yet the risk remains. The anxiety grows. The pandemic continues. The new normal is only new, but certainly not normal.

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