Sunday, September 20, 2020

Day 193

 To be able to watch NFL games and other professional sports is something that helps bring a sense of normalcy to our world. Even if the stadiums are empty and the seasons shortened.

Watching athletes perform at the highest level has always been something I have enjoyed.

Since March 12, 2020 there really has not been much enjoyment only cancellations and infections and deaths. The world sits in a position where over 30 million humans have been infected by the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 and now closing in on 1 million lives lost.  The US continues to lead all countries in both totals (cases and deaths). The nation continues to be embroiled in a partisan fight for what is safe as many Americans choose not to where masks as our POTUS chose not to do while others are maintaining social distance and trying their best to keep themselves and others safe from transmission. It is unbelievable to me that a virus transmitted most effectively by humans continues to crush us even though the defense is three simple tasks, where a mask, keep your distance and regularly wash your hands. 

This graph tells the story of our failure.

Over six months later and we are reporting nearly 300, 000 cases daily.  The virus will not just go away and a vaccine however close or far away one is is not full proof. 

This week we mourned the death of a great woman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the former supreme curt justice lost her battle with cancer and passed away at the age of 87.

A true carrier of the flame of independence and perseverance.  She overcame many obstacles to reach goals and accomplish greatness most people only dream of.  You can find her inspirational advice for living here: RBG-advice-for-living-a-full-life

Be inspired to achieve the goals and dreams you desire. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but having a growth mind-set can be helpful in finding the answers to many questions.  The biggest question being who am I and what is my purpose. Through your work and ongoing efforts, the help of others and the proper strategy anyone can achieve what they most desire. Some get lost along the way due to obstacles they cannot seem to overcome or falling into the trap of a fixed mind-set. You must be unwavering in both your conscious and sub-conscious thought. These tools enable you to tap into the universe and from there many opportunities can come to you. Be ready and daring to take them. Fear not! 

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