Sunday, August 23, 2020

Day 165

 Sunday August 23, 2020

It has been a week since my last entry.  We are one week into remote teaching and all is well.  By the end of the week things started to feel comfortable and creating a consistent and predictable classroom was helpful to both the students and myself.

I love the space I am teaching in and that helps a great deal. I have enough space and feel safely isolated while still being in the school. 

Of course it feels odd to be in a school without children, but hey are only a google meet link away. The students appear to be positive and engaged for the most part. I can tell some students are not comfortable of happy with their current circumstances and I feel for them.  This entire endeavor is not easy and the uncertainty of it all must be stressful.  Especially if much of your life operates on a day to day basis.  The pandemic becomes one more giant WHAT IF?

The fact is much of this is both in our control and out of our control.

We have the choice to protect ourselves and others through social distancing, wearing a mask and washing our hands regularly.  We have the option to socialize with certain people or not.  We can stay home if we need to.  It is the virus itself we do not have control of.  Where is it? Many carriers are asymptomatic and that is fearful.  The fact that it keeps spreading due to people who are not choosing the option to protect others.  The potential for this to last for many more months without a vaccine and even then the effectiveness of the vaccine is unknown.  Many questions and few answers.

This past week saw the democratic convention take place online and I suppose it fit with the times.

As Joe Biden and company are taking the stand that the incumbent POTUS has not done right by us and continues to fumble major issues such as the handling of the coronavirus, the social injustices surrounding Black Lives Matter and even the upcoming election (Post Office anyone?)

With the November presidential elections looming there is also a tension in the air because the election will ultimately affect the next four years.  Which will in turn determine how the country continues to respond to the virus as well as major social issues around Black Lives Matter and the United States police forces.  The education systems are bound to be impacted with decisions regarding safe practices involved the different models of teaching.  While the youth of our country are destined to be affected in more ways than one (socially, educationally, and economically) All of this and the pandemics' economic impact that has ramifications affecting us and the world around us, which also continues to ebb and flow with the virus and pandemic, they all want to see who will be the leader of the United States of America.   The state of our country relies on the leadership in office and we need strong leadership now more than ever. 

Both in Colorado and California wildfires continue to rage as the drought conditions and high temperatures are preventing firefighters from making any headway in containment as over 900,000 acres in California and over 200,000 acres in Colorado have been scorched. 

Sports are back in a remote and modified way with seasons being shortened and restrictions in place to keep both team personnel and players safe. Fans are safe since they cannot attend games. 

And although it has been enjoyable to have this brand of entertainment again it is not a panacea for our current woes. 

The world as we once knew it has changed and will continue to remain a distant and remote and virtual world for quite some time. The best we all can do now is hold our collective breath and wait as the world turns. 

Spinning World

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