These Marvelites are the not-so-famous arch enemies of your favorite heroes. They are either outdated or just not too cool by today's standards. Yes, even the baddies have to stay trendy.
The Trapster aka "Paste-Pot-Pete"
He changed his name to stay hip, but it did not register
with the public. He has been around since the 1960's (first appeared in Strange Tales 104) yet still no action figure for this guy. No respect. He did modify his paste gun and added some newer traps, but really, who past the age of 11 uses glue anymore .
Sorry Pete. (most recently seen in Thunderbolts 125 and Spider-man Brand New Day one-shot)
Plant Man
Ok this guy controls plants...um ok big plants...see the dilemma? What hero cannot defeat a plant? First appearing in Strange Tales (where else?) 113, later joining forces with Unicorn, Eel, Porcupine and Scarecrow, and working together with the Maggia they attempted to defeat the X-Men. This guy is so desperate he had to change identities (He now goes by the name Blackheath) and has been seen in pages of Thunderbolts (where old villains go to die)

How outdated is this guy? His weapon is a tommy-gun. He has a steel plate in his skull, but that has not stopped him from being killed ( at least 3 times?).
He is like a weed; they try to kill him and he keeps popping up. Aligned with the Maggia (where many criminals begin their schooling on how to fail) he first reared his ugly head (ugly steel head) in Spider-man 113. Recently, he joined Norman Osbourne's Sinister Twelve then suffered apparent death during the Civil War. it is now known he was saved by Mr. Negative and has a new adamantium skull. He is loyal to Mr. Negative and currently building a small criminal army.
His entire body is made of Bees (are you scared?) He and his insect army first took on the L.A. super team the Champions (issue 14) and he has fought Spider-man (who hasn't) However, you know you are b-list when you appear in an issue of Secret Defenders (issue 19). Was recently bugging the Mighty Avengers in issue 24. Last line of ill-respect, he has been defeated by the Runaways! (their just kids for pete's sake)
The Blank
For the ultimate in no respect, Marvel could not even give this villain a cheesy name. He is literally called The Blank and his actual name has yet to be revealed, and very little is actually known about him. We do know he first appeared (kinda) in West Coast Avengers #2 and was last seen (kinda) in Spider-man 580. The issue was aptly named "Fill in the Blank"
There you have it and there they obviously do not. So, give these guys some respect and at least read the aforementioned comics. At the very least you'll have fun searching for them.
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