Saturday, October 31, 2020

Day 235

 It is October 31, 2020. Halloween. And a scary time in all of our lives. Living with fear everyday. The novel coronavirus now known to all of us as Covid-19 has literally spread its pestilence around the world infecting over 46 million people while taking the lives of over one million souls. Lately the spread seems to be worsening as Europe and the U.S. are amid tougher restrictions to help stop the transmission of the virus. As flu season quickly approaches many people are anxious, fearful and downright scared. 

Halloween or everyday? That is a saying we use when we see people dressed up in costume during a time other than the two weeks leading up to Halloween, but it may be appropriate at anytime now. The fear lives in us all. The unknown possibilities of what the virus outbreak will be like in the middle of the flu season is approaching. And it could not have come at a worse time for those living in Europe and the U.S. as the numbers are increasing again back to May-like proportions.

According to USA today, "The U.S., now topping 9 million cases, on Friday posted a record number of case for a single day, 99,321, and a record 551,167 cases in a week."

And from NPR, "Europe reported more than 1.3 million new cases this past week, its highest single week count yet, according to the World Health Organization.

Spain and France each surpassed 1 million cumulative confirmed cases last week, becoming the sixth and seventh countries to do so globally. Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom are also experiencing record numbers — threatening to overwhelm countries' abilities to test, trace and contain the virus."

In the words of  French Prime Minister Jean Castex said at a press conference when the new restrictions were announced. "The situation is grave." Indeed.

Trick or treat is no longer a choice. If only it were a trick, but the virus is indeed real and we are only able to contain it up to a point. Our hope lies in a vaccine, but even that answer is strewn with questions. Alas, we must keep on, keeping on (originally cited in a speech by MLK and used by  musicians Bob Dylan and Len Chandler)

We must not be lazy. We must continue to protect ourselves and others by wearing a mask, using social distance advice and adhering to the restrictions issued by our governing bodies. It remains to be seen how this winter will play out.  All we can do is play our role. Do our best to stay safe. And for tonight celebrate Halloween responsibly. Wearing a mask is all part of the fun anyway. 

In entertainment news, we lost the great Scottish actor, Sean Connery. He passed at the age of 90 years old last night. Known for his portrayal as Ian Fleming's James Bond he also won an Oscar for his role in The Untouchables. RIP Mr. Bond.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Day 228

 Sunday October 26, 2020

A decision was made Thursday evening by A.P.S. to pull the plug on the hybrid model after two weeks.  The increasing number of coronavirus cases in the Denver metro area and the potential exposures being reported inside several schools were the reasons for the move back to remote learning.  Just days prior to that decision we were told high school students, who had been remote since day one, will not move into the hybrid/in-person model.  The only amendment we did not anticipate was that pre-school and kindergarten will continue the hybrid model. The 1st-8th graders will remain remote until at least mid-November when another decision will be made.  So, there you have it- the experiment is over.   The hybrid model was the most intense as teachers were required to teach students in-person while also managing a group remotely. This teaching year has been some kind of experience. I imagine it will continue to be unpredictable and challenging through the remainder of the year. All because of a novel coronavirus which has taken the world by storm and surprise. And seven months into the pandemic we are still reporting record numbers. According to the Washington Post, "The United States reported more than 73,000 new coronavirus infections Thursday, its highest one-day increase since July. And over the past week, covid-19 hospitalizations have risen in at least 38 states, a trend that cannot be explained by more widespread testing." All this and flu season is creeping around the corner dressed in it's best death costume ready to deliver to us a Halloween we will never forget.

This year trick or treating will undoubtedly be curbed. The parties will be few. The visage of death and the virus will not be limited.  More than ever the human race is feeling defeated. There are some who are fed up. Some who are tired and being complacent. And some who are scared and feeling hopeless.

Some people in the world continue to view the virus either as a hoax or downplaying the severity (One such person, who shall not be named, said on a national broadcast "it's going away") This is the world we live in. The only predictable thing is the unpredictable future. We do not know what will occur once flu season is in full swing. We have no idea when education will look the same. When are unsure of the economy and the effect the pandemic will have on it, possibly for years to come. We cannot say when a vaccine will be created, issued and what sort of impact it will have on the virus. 

This seems to be one of the main factors in recent states of depression and anxiety: the unknown future (at least in regards to the pandemic and concurrent virus outbreak). Because it's not like we can ever predict the future. The Scientific American might disagree. Here's there take on the future, or at least some possibilities in the future. 20-big-questions-about-the-future-of-humanity/

We watched The Trial of the Chicago Seven last night. It is heavy, man. Be prepared for some shocking events that took place during the trial (which took several months). The movie provides us with an account of seven men tried with conspiracy and inciting a riot following the 1968 Democratic Convention. The convention took place in Chicago, Illinois amidst heavy police and National guard monitoring. The thousands of people who came to demonstrate against the Vietnam war and the government gathered in Lincoln Park. Many were part of several groups camping out, giving speeches  and organizing peaceful protests. Some groups demonstrating were the SDS, The YIP party and The MOBE and the Black Panthers. You can read more about them here:


Happy Sunday everyone. Take pleasure in the known. The things you have control of and simple pleasures of your daily life. The loved ones around you. The comfy chair you sit in to read. The favorite Sunday traditions that allow you some semblance of normal life. Enjoy life today.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Day 221

 Sunday October 18, 2020

Today we voted. We are hopeful for change. We are hopeful the people who take office can make the changes needed in this country to help us re-establish our nation as one of diversity and unity. A nation which allows immigrants to arrive and thrive here as a true land of equal opportunity for all people. 

The world needs hope now more than ever with a pandemic known to the world as Covid-19 rifling through the planet and making life difficult for most and unbearable for others.  The novel coronavirus has infected nearly 40 million people and taken the lives of over one million.  The world will never be the same.  In our efforts to regulate we have sacrificed time and luxury. Many opportunities have been lost.

Many lives have been shattered. This past month has seen a second wave of infections hit the world and countries devastated early on (France, Spain and Italy) are being ravished again. In the United States the number of daily infections has increased in over 75% of our states. 

 The dire conditions many areas were in during the months of April to July are rearing again. All this as we enter the cusp of flu season. How will this virus and the flu react together? Little is still unknown and a vaccine is still months away.  The school district we currently work in has seen both exposures and positive cases in several schools.  The in-person hybrid model is four days old and only in elementary and middle schools. High schools are set to open this week, but with state infections on the rise and a multitude of quarantines it seems this may be the last week before all goes remote. The challenges of the hybrid model are many and our feeling is it may not have made the impact on those in-person students as hoped. Remote learning certainly is not the answer, but the safety of students and staff is and always should be the precedent. The superintendent will make a decision no later than October 22nd regarding the model we use in the coming months. Needless to say, education has been thwarted by this virus as much as our economy and travel industry if not more so because it affects our future population of working adults and potential world leaders.  Where will we be a year from now?

Maybe school districts around the world will move to year-round schooling to make up the gaps in learning?  Maybe a longer four-day work week with a remote-learning Friday will be the new standard?

It will certainly be interesting to see the world in one year and note the changes in an array of areas most assuredly what our government will look and act like. We are in need of a leadership with empathy and understanding for those less fortunate than the 1%. However, the U.S. is just one piece of a large global puzzle and many nations need reform and healing. The remaining few months of 2020 are a mystery for many reasons and let us hope the unwrapping of those unknowns will be wrought with a feeling of hope and relief rather than despair and pain. I voted today. I voted for change and hope for a better tomorrow. A better country. A better world. And a resurgence of caring persons who are unified for the good of all humans in the spirit of empathy and love.

In a effort to supply my readers with support I offer an article How to destress

I wish you all good luck and safety this upcoming week. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Day 214

 October 11, 2020

Unbelievably, seven months into the pandemic the world health organization reported the highest daily cases of coronavirus. According to The NY Times, “The world recorded more than one million new cases of the coronavirus in just the last three days, the highest total ever in such a short span, a reflection of resurgences in Europe and the United States and uninterrupted outbreaks in India, Brazil and other countries.“

It does not seem fathomable that COVID-19 is increasing in number of cases instead of decreasing. It speaks potentially to two ideas, one how little we know about this virus and the lack of precautions people are taking in the world. Last week the POTUS tested positive for coronavirus and this week he is holding an in person rally with hundreds of people, at least masks were required. The situation for Trump is dire as in most polls he is losing to democratic candidate Joe Biden. 

As the situation in the United States becomes increasingly anxious (as cases are on the rise in many states)

the situation in India is even more so as the countries rural areas are being devastated. The number of cases in India is quickly approaching the U.S. total of 7.7 million. 

As many school districts have installed, Aurora Public Schools is moving into a hybrid model. This model allows for a small percentage of students to be in the building while other students join the class remotely.

The planning for this has been daunting and more than ever before this looks like a trial and error approach since there are several variables in motion. Internet connections, the limitations placed on remote learners, the unknown behavior of in person students under restrictions and lack of community with in person student-to-remote student. The reality is this is new territory for most of us. I am resigned to performing the best I can and adjust as necessary. I imagine the students at home will feel left out and disengage. We shall see how it goes. In the meantime if you are looking for reasons to be cheerful. Check out this website it is engineered by former Talking Heads frontman David Byrne, an activist for positive change in the world, he is an influencer in not only the music world.

Enjoy the week and stay Safe out there.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Day 207

 Sunday October 4, 2020

The leaves are changing as the season turns to fall. The thrill and fear of summer is over. The pandemic continues in full force as the coronavirus known as Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc upon all people everywhere. The United States has taken an exceptionally sever hit as over 200,000 Americans have died from the virus. In the most recent and least shocking news the POTUS has tested positive for the virus. Trump and several cabinet members are seeking treatment after testing positive for Covid-19 on Thursday and Friday.  One month away from election day and two days after the first presidential debate and the nation spins more into a frenzy. 

The spring and summer months had coastal and major cities across the U.S. fighting desperately to keep Covid-19 under control.  And although these cities and regions have leveled off for the most part lesser populated states and areas are being affected now. Montana and the Dakotas as well as Wisconsin are being hit extremely hard with daily cases as the country continues see an average of nearly 44,000 cases a day. The cold and flu season awaits us next and the unknown marriage of the coronavirus with our seasonal flu is an awful scary thought. It will bring more than the usual Halloween tricks. All kidding aside this year of trick or treating is most likely on hold. Or at least unlike anything we have seen before.

The world outside of the U.S. is dealing with the virus in its own way and many are failing to control the outbreak.   The world seven day average is over 300,000 new cases. In the last seven days India has reported over a half a million cases. Countries such as Spain and France, two countries hit extremely hard early on are again suffering from large cases loads. Brazil and Russia continue to struggle as does Argentina and the U.K. Interestingly, mainland China where the virus originated seems to have the virus under control at this point and has done so for some time. Under 100,000 total cases and just over 230 cases in the last week. 

The NFL just into its fourth week of play has had several players and coaches test positive this week causing two games to be rescheduled. One in a few weeks and the other a few days. MLB started off with some early cases and subsequent rescheduled games, but has weathered the virus and is now in the heat of the playoffs.  One of the early affected teams, the Florida Marlins, are still in contention.  The magic kingdom bubble of the NBA has protected players and coaches and officials so far. No games have been postponed or cancelled and the NBA finals is currently in play as the LA Lakers and the Miami Heat are vying for the chance to call themselves champions (and in 2020 that is quite the accomplishment) 

Each and everyone of us fighting each day to stay healthy and deter the spread of the virus are champions in our own right. Protecting self and others from a potentially deadly and unknown entity is a thankless and stressful job. We all must continue to stay diligent and attentive to our actions and choices. Especially as the season of germs weighs down upon us we must remain cognizant of our daily selves and the affect it has on others. Be safe friends.